ok so listen i have straight hair and when i say striaght i mean striaght and i want some light curls.
or some new hair styles...?
so please please help ok!
I have super straight hair and i want some wavy curls ok so HELP!!!!!?
Try scrunching your hair. When its wet, get some gel and scrunch it all the way up to your hair root. Then blow dry some and add some hair spray...The look will give you waves and hold the waves at the same time. Sounds kinda 90's-ish...but it still looks cute! My boyfriend loves it!
I have super straight hair and i want some wavy curls ok so HELP!!!!!?
go get a light perm! if you have long hair, that is!
I have super straight hair and i want some wavy curls ok so HELP!!!!!?
scrunching your hair when it's wet ALWAYS works.... but you gotta remember to grab the gel, or you can try a small curling iron.... but scrunching is better..... :)
I have super straight hair and i want some wavy curls ok so HELP!!!!!?
I have super straight hair and i want some wavy curls ok so HELP!!!!!?
Buy a large barrel curling iron,take medium size sections and curl.Run your fingers through them and hairspray.DO NOT TRY A PERM.....it won't give you the look you want
I have super straight hair and i want some wavy curls ok so HELP!!!!!?
i have REALLY straight hair too. getting out of the shower and just scrunching it doesnt do it for me. it ends up being one big gel mess. what i do is shower the night before and after you get out of the shower towel dry it ALOT and brush it. Then, put some gel on your hands and run it through your hair (not too much). After that put some mouse in it (use quite a bit). Put it up into a REALLY tight messsy bun as high up on your head as possible (if you dont put it high the top of your head will still be straight and the rest will be all curly). hairspray it and sleep on it. in the morning take it out and and just let it loosen up a little bit before doing anything else to it. it may still be a little bit wet because hair doesnt dry so good in tight buns (dont worry itll dry). after like 5 or 10 minutes use the scrunching method. put gell in your hands and scrunch use upward motions in your hair. it works well if you flip your hair. hair spray it again and it should hold (=
also, if you dont like how it looks. you can put it up into a messy bun after all this. it looks really really cute.
I have super straight hair and i want some wavy curls ok so HELP!!!!!?
if you want to spend some time but have great looking curls try using rollers.
the night before, wash your hair and after its only slightly damp apply an even, light amount of hair gel or mousse and put the rollers in.
the next day be sure your hair is dry before removing the rollers, to be safe blow dry while the rollers are still in.
after you remove the rollers spritz lightly with hairspray and use a pic, not a brush to soften the curls.
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