Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hair help please...for girls with curly hair!?

Has anyone with naturally wavy/curly hair had this haircut done and do you regret it? Was it manageable or did you have to straighten it with an iron everyday?

I have curly/wavy hair but NOT tight corkscrew curls. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :c)

Here is a link to the cut I am talking about:

Hair help please...for girls with curly hair!?

I have naturally curly hair, more wavy than curly too, and I think this look is so cute. When I had my hair cut short (above my shoulders) it was very manageable. As a matter of fact, I had more volume and it was easier to manage. And it was easy to straighten too.

I think it'll work for you.

Hair help please...for girls with curly hair!?

uhmm doesn't work...

Hair help please...for girls with curly hair!?

Yes.. I have a very intimate relationship with my hair dryer and flat iron...

Every day!

Hair help please...for girls with curly hair!?

The website doesn't work. But well u shud get side bangs with front layers. That wud wrk. It wud look nice an its really popular

Hair help please...for girls with curly hair!?

Well I have curly hair and i bought a top of the line hair straightner a chi 200 dollers and it takes only 15 minutes on you r hair depending on how short it is. Well if your not up for that then blow dry it straight. Pull it up in a tight bun when hair is damp so it doesnt go curly. Or use hair styling product too make hair wavy.

Hair help please...for girls with curly hair!?

I like having curly hair but not they way it is naturally. I wash it, mouse it and blow dry it straight. Then tease it a little at the roots then curl it with curling tongs.

Hair help please...for girls with curly hair!?

My friend has curly hair but not like tight little curls. She got this done to her hair and I've seen her without it straight and I think it looks fine but she never goes a day without straightening it pretttty much.

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