Saturday, July 25, 2009

What's a good hair product line for wavy but greasy/dry hair?

My hair is actually pretty, it's just weird. It's straight at the roots with waves throughout. It has a tendency for greasiness, esp. now that I'm growing it out, yet it also feels dry at times. I like wearing it down and long and dark but I just wish I could find products that clean it but don't weight it down (mousse, gel, shampoo, conditioner, etc. )?

What's a good hair product line for wavy but greasy/dry hair?

Herbel essence mousse!! does WONDERS for my hair!! mine too is wavy..yet straight...yet not...just depends. but Herbel essence totally twisted gets it wavy and curly when i need it with NO EXTRA WEIGHT! it doesnt get all greasy and nasty and herbel essence straight mousse makes it as straight as a board with NO EXTRA GREASY weight!!! their mousse line works wonders!!


oh and when it starts to feel greasy..put baby powder on ur roots and work it through ur hair...i kno it sounds stupid but it DEF WORKS!! me and my frends do this allllll the time before going out!!!

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